Research shows that 1 in 5 employees suffer from a mental health condition. Every year, untreated mental health conditions cost Australian employers $10.9 billion in absenteeism, presenteeism (reduced productivity) and compensation claims. In fact, statistics suggest that 6 months following a mental health compensation claim only 54% of people have returned to work and by 2 years, only 38% have returned to work. The good news is that it has been estimated that employers will receive an average return of $2.30 for every $1 spent on creating a mentally healthy workplace. Creating a safe and mentally healthy workplace helps workers thrive, increases productivity, decreases absenteeism, reduces turnover and recruitment costs, decreases workers' compensation claims and increases both engagement and job satisfaction.
Connected Minds offers a range of proactive and reactive services to help organisations to create a mentally healthy workplace.
Premium Employee Assistance Programs
We offer Premium Employee Assistance Programs (EAP) for workplaces who want to provide high quality psychological services for their employees. Our Premium EAP services are provided by highly skilled clinically-trained psychologists with expertise in workplace wellbeing, high performance and leadership. We will support your organisation to create a Premium EAP package that goes beyond ticking a box and instead provides your employees with the best possible opportunity to work through mental health challenges and enhance their psychological wellbeing.
Learn more about how our Premium EAP services will support your employees to make real and meaningful changes to their lives.
Our workplace mental health and wellbeing programs will assist your team to refine their cognitive (thinking) skills and coping strategies for managing stress, distress and adversity. They will help your team to more effectively identify wellbeing challenges and teach them how to better assess and manage their personal wellbeing. Our programs encourage employees to take a new level of responsibility in maintaining their own wellbeing while acknowledging that sometimes they need to know when and how to ask for help.
Learn More about some of our most popular workplace training programs and how to book.
We offer a broad range of consultancy services for proactive workplaces interested in learning more about their organisational wellbeing. Our consultancy services are provided by our highly skilled positive psychology specialists with expertise in workplace wellbeing. We will support you and your team to create a mentally healthy workplace that encourages your employees to thrive and develop. With our help you can enhance performance and productivity across your business.
We conduct employee wellbeing checks and assist organisations to develop and implement workplace wellbeing action plans.
All businesses involve people, interpersonal communication, relationships and challenges. For those looking for specialist support for their executive team Connected Minds provides tailored strategies and solutions that can help you and your team re-frame the way you connect with - and support - your colleagues, your contractors and of course, your clients. Learn evidence-based approaches for managing a range of challenges that are particularly relevant to your executive team, the employees they manage and your unique workplace context.